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挺进地牢1.03版更新了什么 1.03版更新内容一览
2023-12-03 03:34:41
Patch 1.0.3
Added the version number to the title screen
Small adjustment to early game key balance
Added a DirectX dependency that may solve black screen issues for some players
Added D3D11 support to address pink screen and map issues for some players
Fixed a rare freeze while generating dungeons
Meta currency and NPC cell keys will now be auto collected when the player leaves the room
Fixed an issue where players could respawn inside walls after falling into a pit
Added safety checks to prevent players from dying to poison and fire just after boss death scenes
Fixed another issue where players could get stuck in elevators
Tiger projectiles will no longer break boss death scenes
Fixed a bug which could cause the Singularity to loop audio forever
Flying no longer prevents the player from entering the first secret floor
Fixed an issue where the Wallmonger would get stuck on the dying Cop
Shield of the Maiden now correctly stoPS the Beholster's beam
Fixed an issue where Snitch Bricks would reveal secret rooms which could not be opened with blanks
Limited the maximum aim assist value
Further reduces memory usage in the main menu
Fixed an issue where some Mac users had a different save location than intended
挺进地牢(Enter the Gungeon)典藏汉化破解版v2.1.7
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